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Hydrangeas from Colombia

The easy and affordable way for florists worldwide to buy fresh hydrangeas direct from the grower.

Our company is located close to the international airport, we can ship your flowers in minutes.

Our Variety



Hydrangea Premium White

Pure Clarity


Hydrangea Mini Green

Sweet Appearance

Hydrangeas Assorted

Beautiful Look


Hydrangea Premium Blue

Bright Color


Hydrangeas Tinted

Intense tone

Jumbo Lila

Bright Color

Hydrangea Mini Lime

Beautiful Look


Hydrangea Antique

Fresh Hydrangea Macrophylla

Jumbo Antique

Sweet Appearance

Participation in



We are a family company and we have been growing flowers for more than 22 years.

To the leading exporter and distribuitor of the highest quality flowers.

From the fields of Colombia to you, we grow a variety of selected Hydrangeas

Hand picked

Grown with love

Sustainable Process

Tips for your Hydrangeas

For best vase life, keep the hydrangea in a cool spot away from direct sunlight and any heating vents. Hydrangeas can drink up quite a bit of water, so make sure you check the water levels to ensure they have enough. You’ll want to re-cut the stems and change the water every 2-3 days.

Hydrangea can actually take in moisture through its petals so they’ll also benefit from frequent light misting with water.

Locate Us

Hydrangeas Colombia - Florecer

Hydrangeas Colombia – Florecer

Contact Us


AA 018 Rionegro/MDE

Antioquia – Colombia


(+57) 301 203 5353


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